Save 1000Fryd

183.178,23 kr. 18.32% of 1.000.000,00 kr.




days left
Troels Sørensen @1000Fryd

medlem siden 6. juni


An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 23 hours ago
Robert Kjettrup supported with a secret amount · 1 day ago
Jesper Lundgaard Johansen supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 days ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 2 days ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 days ago

øl, kærlighed og rockmusik <3

Jakob Brixvold supported with a secret amount · 8 days ago

Fryd Forever 🤘

Lea Groes supported with 125,00 kr. · 9 days ago
Kian Hansson supported with 250,00 kr. · 10 days ago
Jeppe Nielsen supported with 125,00 kr. · 10 days ago
Gaëtan Di Caro supported with a secret amount · 10 days ago
Gaëtan Di Caro supported with a secret amount · 10 days ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 10 days ago
Matthew Nash supported with 50,00 kr. · 11 days ago
An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 12 days ago
Kenneth Bohl supported with 200,00 kr. · 12 days ago

Fryd forever


Nina Østergaard Christensen supported with 125,00 kr. · 13 days ago

Har godt nok aldrig været på Tusindfryd, men kender mange der har og elsker det. 

Derfor vil jeg gerne støtte et fantastisk, dansk kultursted, som vi skal verne om💛

Anders Mullerup supported with 500,00 kr. · 13 days ago

Lau fylder 40 år og hans største ønske er at bevare 1000fryd. Så dette blev gaven.

Tillykke med dagen 🇩🇰

Ønskes af Trine og Mulle

An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 13 days ago
Gina Allesø Sørensen supported with a secret amount · 13 days ago
Mille Ebbesen supported with 125,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Camille Drachmann Kaasby-Wang supported with a secret amount · 14 days ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Ricki Sørensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Niels Sørensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Niels Sørensen supported with 800,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Niels Sørensen supported with 400,00 kr. · 14 days ago
Esben Fræer supported with a secret amount · 14 days ago
Benedikte Strand supported with a secret amount · 14 days ago
Toke Straarup-Jensen supported with 125,00 kr. · 14 days ago

An anonymous person supported with 750,00 kr. · 15 days ago


Jonas Jensen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 16 days ago

På vegne af Nickie fra Veddum og Extra Store Grønlandske Rejer.

Bevar min FRYD✊🏼

Carsten Holst supported with 125,00 kr. · 16 days ago
Pernille Aagaard supported with 400,00 kr. · 18 days ago

Der skal stå: Lau’s 40 års fødselsdagsgave.

Anne Cathrine Dalgaard supported with 140,00 kr. · 18 days ago

Jeg har aldrig været på 100Fryd, men verden har brug for flere, ikke færre, steder som 1000Fryd, hvor fællesskabet kan leve.

Kim Kornum supported with a secret amount · 22 days ago
Stefan Gehrman supported with 125,00 kr. · 22 days ago

First donation to Save1000Fryd! 1000Fryd is an inspiration to me. A real democracy, a wonderful show space and a caring community of people! Supporting from New York City. 1000Fryd will always be a home to me!

Søren Andersen supported with 500,00 kr. · 22 days ago
Claus Christiansen supported with 180,00 kr. · 23 days ago

Mikkels smukke ben og ikke mindst hans øre har kulturperlens ryg!

Claus Christiansen supported with 200,00 kr. · 23 days ago

Laus modne ønske er, at vi gør hvad vi kan for at bevare kulturperlen. Jeg kan kun være enig!

Malene Virring supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Malene Virring supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Malene Virring supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Malene Virring supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Karolina Björg Kristinsdottir supported with 130,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Karolina Björg Kristinsdottir supported with 125,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Hans Bruun Jensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 month ago
thilde supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Stefan Carlsen supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
AnneMarie Jensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with 175,00 kr. · 1 month ago
jacob johansen supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 1 month ago

Er der ikke en kultur/eller kunst- fond, som man kan spørge komme op, med sådan et 'relativt småt' beløb?

(andet byggelse, og restitution af langt mindre ‘elskede’ (betydningsfulde for mange mennesker) museer, og kunst steder, må der da være brugt 10'er tal af millioner på.

Skallede tó, eller tre? Det må der da kunne blive til. 

¿Hvor mange underskrifter skal der til for dét? 

.. For jeg bliver nød til at melde pas på store donationer her.. Jeg sender selvfølgelig en 100 lap, det klart, men mere er der bare ik' at gi' li' nu.

Men check det andet der, ku' da være der var bid, ik..

Fanme, så ellers få ham Utzon der, til at gi' en hånd med, når der skal sættes brædder og ‘vat’ op. 

Hans udstillings bygning, må squ da os have kostet lidt knaster os: hvor fik han dem fra? - SpørgEnVen. 

Ku' da os’ blive til et blærret, sjældent billede, af en finere mand i arbejdstøj. 😂

... Argumenteret fra herrens side (naboen), som 'lider' under det høje musik, er det jo også en klar vinder-historie, hvis han får sin hus-fred i tilbage.. 

Og hvis han i virkeligheden hader at bo der: hvad skulle han så have for simpelt bare at flytte? Finde et andet sted, at gøre til hans bedste bo-sted..? 

For strø-tanke yo, hvad står i vejen for at gøre et sted som fryd større..? 

I Aalborgs historie, et klart legendarisk spillested.

Et vaskeægte Aalborgs by-mærke. 

Som længere, længere end jeg har levet, har været et sted, hvor en fri-kultur, møder et fristed.. 

Og hvis først fristedet falder, kan kulturen så holde sig fri..? 

Lige nu er den storheds-tid vist på low.. demoraliseret. 

Uden koncerter længe (tror jeg), som både er dets brød & sjæl. 

For selvom jeg ikke bor i goe’ Ållern længere.. så håber jeg squ, at fryd bliver blusset op igen. 

Red Fryd, for mig, og for så mange andre, så vi kan gen-besøge det, på ture hjem, til det vor kæreste DobbeltA..! 🙏🤎

Jeg synes ikke, at det er for tykt at smøre på, at sige:

Det er et ikonisk by-mærke, 

og I Aalborgs historie, legendarisk spillested. Det er hvad som vi snakker om, at lade forrådne, og gå væk.. 

Eller, aldrig væk - for bygningen vil jo stå der stadig; nu bare som et forfaldende minde om, at ting som kreativudfoldelse, som musik og kunst, ikke længere er accepteret fra ‘undergrunden’ længere. 

Alene i altaljeet ovenpå - et fristed for kunstnere, som ellers ikke ville have fundet lisså’ fine vilkår, med de betingelser, som der ellers var at blive fundet på gaden. Et nødvendigt, gadeskabt safe-haven. 

Mange lever livet i Danmark, mange måder på kanten. Hvis den 'vores' kunst, musik og fri-kultur bliver kvalt, i at nå til folks nysgerrige øjne og øre, bliver 'vores' stemme det samtid.

Lukket komunikations-linje, fra bund til top. Giftigt.

Fryd skal ikke glemmes, Fryd skal høres! Højt!...

Men selvfølgelig, med derindtil indrettet, korrekt lyd-iso, også.

Sådan så, at Hr og Fru Danmark også kan følge med til at se, høre, og genkende værdien i det. 

Crisp og klart - men gerne rungende.

Måske dem, som lever lidt ved siden af normen, en smule skævt traditionelt set, og efter deres egne forfattede regler - kunne være nogle fucking rebeller, på den ordentlige måde.

Få noget godt lort bygget op, hernede fra bunden.

Vi har tid, og ser vi efter, er der squ ofte nok resourcer at trække på..

Når vi sætter os noget for - som er for det åbentlyst gode, med passion og pli: så jubler det tó generationer oppefra...

Selvom jeg ved, at nå igennem til det offentlige kan være et spindel-væv af tom-begrundelse og regel-kræmmeri, som med svagt mod argumenter, som blot som mod-logik, peger en kortklippet, beigefarved-farvet negel, ned på noget sort tryk, på et stykke papir, som siger en paragraf, som er skabt til noget helt andet, men som i ingen uklar form, erklærer dig: Uberretiget til den menneskelige hjælp du mangler..

Oversat på jysk til; det må du squ selv ligge og rode med.

Farvel til Fryd, fordi 2-skallede millioner ikke kunne rejses? Nah, jeg tror det ikke venner. Der finder sig en løsning, for ting som er gode af natur.

... Og det er, at f妦 Goe', knastede, inspirerede'

¦¦spillestedet op at stå igen.

med nye gyldne klæder på! Efter en renovering.

Uhh, men self. gem på alt det tegnede, og skrevne på toiletterne tho..! Det fanmne kunst i sig selv. 👏

Der kan sagtens være en positiv fremtid. Der squ da investorer i Massevis.

Som scratcher balls i speciallavede million dollar sedler.

Men shit.. Nej. Tusindfryd må bare ikke blive købt.. Stå under befaling, til at skulle blive noget som helst, bestemt.. Det kan kun reprensentere sig, som det kæmpe friheds symbol, som ihvertfald jeg ser det som; hvis det er netop det, frit; Alles & Ingens.

Frihed dér, andet end at man selfølgelig lytter respektfuldt, til de garve gutter og gutinder i baren..

... Kunne man ikke iøvrigt, lave en crypto-coin som hed Fryd, og lade den være værd, hvad folket og det frie market, bestemte det var værd?

Hvem skulle eje 'coinen'..?

... Fucking smid den i Fjorden. 😂⚡🫶


Red Fryd!

Et sted, hvor de ramte passer på hinanden.

- Det skal der squ være plads til.

Hey, skrev bare det her i går, ved ikke om der er noget brugbart deri. En lille kommentar blev bare lang, på en indica fokus-bølge. 

Har ikke overskud til at genlæse for meget, og rette igennem - i får det råt. Som fryd. Alt er love. 

Cheers. ✌🏼✨

An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Mads Lang supported with 130,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Benjamin Baar supported with 140,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Anna Lei Stoustrup supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
skansespillet supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago

Savner barvagterne og de skønne mennesker 💜 Masser af kærlighed jeres vej!

Anders Dalsager supported with 125,00 kr. · 1 month ago

Yannick Willer supported with 250,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Kasper Olsen supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Lasse Johansen supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago


Der kommer mere herfra. 

Mads Møller supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Poul Møller supported with 300,00 kr. · 1 month ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago
Fryd Frydendahl supported with 250,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Troels Kjeldgaard supported with 250,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Simon Birket-smith supported with 260,00 kr. · 1 month ago

1000fryd 4eva

Kirsten Kirkebæk supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 month ago
Mikkel Munk Iversen supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 month ago

Tak for gode oplevelser, håber andre i fremtiden kan være ligeså heldige 🙌☀️

Jonas Poulsen supported with a secret amount · 1 month ago

Selv som "expat" i Dublin nyder jeg stadig at besøge Fryd når jeg er hjemme Ålleren. Det håber jeg at kunne blive ved med langt ud i fremtiden! BEVAR 1000fryd!!!

An anonymous person supported with 800,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Louise Kiis supported with 130,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Nanna Strandberg Lageri supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Nicklas Lind supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Nicklas Lind supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Rikke Thrane supported with 125,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Thor Bøgvad supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Camille Drachmann Kaasby-Wang supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Anja Pedersen supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Helle Haukrogh supported with 125,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Tobias Facius supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago

De kan ikke slå os ihjel!

Magnus Nielsen supported with 800,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Magnus Nielsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Magnus Nielsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Magnus Nielsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Nikolaj Hansen supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Karen Sander Graven-Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Colm Urth supported with 130,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Colm Urth supported with 125,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Jens Flansmose supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
Sarah Bizarra supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago

Fryd har mit hjerte 

Rasmus Rolle Hansen supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago
hoppeand supported with 125,00 kr. · 2 months ago
Kristine Kjeldsen supported with 175,00 kr. · 2 months ago
nielsf supported with 300,00 kr. · 2 months ago

Størrelse L

nielsf supported with 300,00 kr. · 2 months ago

Henter selv på Fryd

Christine Birkemark Pedersen supported with a secret amount · 2 months ago

Hej, vi er en gruppe mennesker som giver denne donation i fødselsdagsgave til en god ven af os og 1000fryd. Er det muligt at navnet på støtten kan ændres til fødselarens? De hedder Bjarke Hee Thomassen. 

René Jensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 2 months ago

400 jægerzz

René Jensen supported with 800,00 kr. · 2 months ago

400 jægerzzz

Immanuel supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 2 months ago

Anders Germansen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mathias Skrydstrup Kristensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rikke Bolander supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Mads Valther supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Tine Mikkelsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
T-Shirts i Medium
Søren Borkmann supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Cecer Mortensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Størrelse XL.

Christina Eilers supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mike Zäch supported with 666,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Bevar 1000Fryd

Tore Knakkergård supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tore Knakkergård supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tore Knakkergård supported with 450,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anders Klintgaard supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

En t-shirt i størrelse LARGE.

Anders Klintgaard

kongshøjgade 3, st. th.

1675 København V

30 28 98 13

Jonathan Iversen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Torben Johansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


torben johansen - palleskærvej 40, 9800 hjørring 

Lisa Pedersen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Claudia Simoni supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Håber det lykkedes at få samlet pengene ind. 1000Fryd er ikonisk og bør bevares. 

Jesper Pedersen supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Spil noget med Slayer. Hilsen

Rasmus Hvilsted supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Louise Dencker Pedersen supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Bevar 1000fryd.

An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jakob Nyholm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Der skal være plads til dette spillested......

Søs Nielsen supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Peter Hieronymus Bade supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Edda Luth supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Female t-shirt size L, or male size S (if female not available)

Good luck!

Rockeklubben i Porsgrunn (NO) supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Fra ett klubbhjerte til ett annet! Vi støtter dere - håper å komme tilbake på konsert!

Thomas Damholt Jensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Medium shirt. Jeg har også bestilt sokker for en uges tid siden, så måske kan de sendes sammen med? 
:-) Thomas 

Markus Arnold supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Size large 

Randi Ottesen supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Randi Ottesen supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Str xl for extra meget støtte og fee punk

Rasmus Justesen supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lykke Otte Larsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Olivia Bock Nøddelund supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anders Dannevig supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Morten Larsen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Morten Larsen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Ole Nørup supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Ole Nørup supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anna Woetmann Paulsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Troels Thimm Madsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Troels Thimm Madsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Dorte Hartmann supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd forever!

Henrik Holm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Siff Ringø supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mathilde Ottesen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Ønsker jer alt det bedste med mit lille tilskud. 
Anders Duus supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Peter Valler supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Hey there, here's Peter from Germany, member of Lost Dawning :)
Fryd is a great venue and I'll happily support you. I'd like to get the LP and the vegan cookbook, and I'll allow Mr William Ogaard to pick the stuff up for me :D
Good luck with the campaign :)

Julie Valler supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Esben Fræer supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Søren Dannesboe supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Laura von Holck supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Laura von Holck supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

God måde og støtte på og modtageren af disse strømper bliver glad

Søren Dannesboe supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Søs Nielsen supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anna Jørgensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
René Pedersen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Morten Petersen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anders Bro Bystrup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Str M/L (M hvis stor i str, L hvis lille)

Frederik Tue Hansen supported with 450,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristina Hansen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tine Kryschanoffsky supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
MasterChef MC supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Klokkerholm for 1000fryd 

Søren Lykkeager supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Lotte Kronborg supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Tak for min ungdom❤️

An anonymous person supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago

An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nanna Meyer supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Fryd for altid! ❤️

Laila Rebstrup supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Line Horndal Hjørne supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Lars Ejsing supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
mortenalsinger supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tobias Holst supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Thomas Damholt Jensen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mai Christensen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Julie Aaen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Agnete Petersen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Madelin Wilian supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd rocks forever!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anders Mogensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jens Kramer Rold Jensen supported with 909,09 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Bjarne Roursgaard supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anders Dahl supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Marc Deleuran supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Philippa Sztencel supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Str. Large 

Jesper Vestergaard supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jáno Kolbu supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Aalborgs kultur liv dør uden et spille sted som 1000Fryd! Alle undergrundskunstnere har været forbi stedet, STORE navne som små! Stedet tilbyder enormt meget liv der beriger Aalborgs fest/kultur liv!

1000 Fryd for evigt ! <3

Ida Thoft Christiansen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Szymon Bęczkowski supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Hjalte Peder Marcussen supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tobias Johansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Janne Hansen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Frederik Rein Lybæk-Jensen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Flemming Petersen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Michael Markussen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Katrine Skovgaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd for altid! <3

An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Andy Søbjerg supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Karl Emil Horn Hassingboe supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jon Rasmussen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jonas Kara Dukars supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Hold humøret oppe ❤️

Rune Jensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

We need places like Fryd to breathe!

Vi har brug for åndehuller som fryd!

Torben Johansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Rock on!!!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Søren Møller supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jan Drilling supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Dennis Weyts supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Timme Kornerup-Bang supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Hvis vi ikke støtter de små spillesteder, ingen musiker.

Ingrid Marquard Petersen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Klaus Knudsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Monica Terkelsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Hanne Tholstrup Jeppesen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lise Andreassen supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Emil Dreiborg supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Fabio Saggese supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

To save the best place in Aalborg!

Stine Sørensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Katja Toft supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Jeg håber virkelig at projektet lykkes, så 1000Fryd kan bestå.

Familien Grant Rueskov supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Antonius Marcussen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Megan Strunk supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Best of luck, I love 1000Fryd!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Send ingenting, men brug portoen på 1000fryd

Alice Nykjær Larsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
jesperlindholm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


Jesper Engedal Munksgaard supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Stine Ravn Søby supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Fryd skal fandme bestå! Et alt for vigtigt åndehul i en mørk gyde langt væk fra virkeligheden <3

Zacharias Hymøller supported with 175,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Chris Kevin Lukas supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Karen Stenz Lundqvist supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Jeg håber, det lykkes!!! 1000Fryd er et fantastisk spillested 🖤

Peter Lindholm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Daniel Piper Bæk supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Str. L 

Det skal nok lykkes! ✊🏼

Thomas Vils Pedersen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mathias Thomsen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Claes Sørensen supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Daniel Villadsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Casper Bech supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Free Lina

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Per Madsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Mads Siegenfeldt supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lasse Bigum supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Andreas Dahl supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Annette Hjort Jakobsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Peter Guse supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jakob Goul supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Vigtigt og unikt sted! Har taget turen mellem Silkeborg og Aalborg maaaange gange i årenes løb for at se de bands der bliver booket.
Share The Silence supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Katja Bundgaard supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristine Klitgaard supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

1000fryd skal der være plads til i Aalborg!

Morten Andersen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jacob Hartmann supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Røvhullerne forgår, 1000Fryd består!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Markus Arnold supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Casper Christensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jens Aarup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristoffer Witt supported with 400,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
The best kept secret I discovered in Aalborg, fond memory since 2017 ! Love you 1000fryd
Maibritt Kristensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Karsten Tonnesen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anne Kristine Ramlov supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
John O’Sullivan supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rasmus Moesby Sørensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nanna Jansen supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Morten Purup Andersen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Peter Herbst supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
thomas Burø supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nicolai Bøttcher Videsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nis Wiborg supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Linnea Kemppainen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Str xl helst

Linnea Kemppainen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Ludvig Albeck Gadegaard supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Frederik Papke supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
nedergade26 supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Michael Jørgensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kasper Gerlif Nicolajsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lars Muntwiler supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Kent Kirkegaard Jensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Har været til koncerter på 1000Fryd siden 1995. En institution i kulturlivet. Ikke bare i Aalborg, men Danmark. Et historisk spillested med charme, kant og altid fingeren på den musikalske puls. 

Christian Holmsberg supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Luiza Scalco supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

I lived in Aalborg as a student in 2012-2014 and this was my favorite place, it needs to keep existing. 

Henrik Petersen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
John Sejersen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

I må ikke offentliggør mail og adresse 


Gaëtan Di Caro supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Good luck.

Thomas Ladegaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Rikke Lunde supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Dennis Jensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Mads Kyvsgaard Mogensen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rolf Rydder supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rolf Rydder supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Philip Nordling supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Henrik Antvorskov supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mathias Petersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Peter Hieronymus Bade supported with 260,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jonathan Jakobsen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Mere liv - mere larm! <3

Asger Bank Dahl supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Rikke Thrane supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Vil meget gerne opleve flere skønne koncerter på Fryd 🎼🤩

Tak for skønne minder de sidste mange år må der komme mange flere af dem 👏💙

Rune Celestra supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Peter Madsen supported with 455,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Sylvester Bache supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Thomas Holland supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jane Krebs supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Sonja Nysom supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Niels Hammer Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Michael Porsborg supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Rasmus Lind Ravn supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Selvfølgelig skal 1000fryd støttes og bevares. Aalborg vil være et fattigt sted uden fryd!

An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Troels Loll supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tommy Knøs supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

De kan ikke slå os ned

Morten Larsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Fryd ❤️ 

Stein Lillevolden supported with 450,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Morten Holmstrup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Sophie Groslier supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Christian Villum supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Majbritt Wodstrup supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jesper Sandvad supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


Lars Christensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
John Sejersen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Jeg ønsker størrelse xxl sort

Og vil gerne fra edes i deler mail og adresse

John Sejersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Jeg vil frabede at min mail og adresse er synlig

Tine Kryschanoffsky supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Louise Kronborg supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristine Henriksen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago


An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Flemming hvid supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Tak for jer😊👍

Signe Marie Hansen supported with 800,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Julie Jonstrup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Steen Dohrn Petersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Thomas Franzen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Kasper Madsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Thomas Arendt supported with 800,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Kærlighed til fryd

Tommy Knøs supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

We can do it !

Thomas Arendt supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Kærlighed til fryd

Thomas Arendt supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Kærlighed til fryd

Thomas Grønkjær supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristine Kromann supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Støt 1000Fryd 💖💖💖

Murda Twinz supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000 fryd er et vigtigt sted ikke bare for Ålborg men hele Danmarks undergrundsmusik miljø. Der er brug for steder i DK som 1000 Fryd hvor aktivister og musikere kan udfolde sig kreativt sammen og med hinanden.

Lasse Mejer Petersen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mathias Løt supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Lasse Laier supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


Mai Jensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Kristine Kromann supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Støt 1000Fryd 💖💖💖

Helle Thorup Andersen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

aldrig rigtig i aalborg længere, men hvis jeg var, ville jeg hænge ud på fryd som i gaaamle dage <3

Jan Drilling supported with 800,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Thomas Grønkjær supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Markus Arnold supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Chris Gaden supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nuno Carrilho supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Det er et spændende sted, som vi ikke kan finde et noget andet sted i Aalborg. Derfor støtter jeg 1000 Fryd.

Markus Arnold supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anne Sofie Rosbach supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Sigrid Baatz supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Kristoffer Kjersgaard Nohrs supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nicolai Steinø supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Christopher Duun supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lea Emilie Hansen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Liv Lilholt Thrane supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jørgen Holm supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jakob Wedel supported with 182,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Thomas Hollænder supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Thomas Bak Jørgensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Jeg kan slet ikke forestille mig min ungdom uden Fryd. Stedet har, udover at åbne mine øjne og ører for et svimlende antal koncertoplevelser fra hele verden, betydet alt når det kommer til DIY-kulturen. Det var her jeg lærte, man selv kan få ting til at ske. Fryd skal bestå

Emil Keinicke Hansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anders Spliid Hansen supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Janus Hillgaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
President Fetch supported with 1.500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Må 1000Fryd bestå i 1000 år!!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Lærke Hansen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Karmus supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
giesenbauer supported with 180,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Morten Ryom supported with 181,50 kr. · 3 months ago
Henrik Yeller supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Morten Ryom supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Sidsel Wiis supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Casper Knudsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Mikkel Troest supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Musik på 1000Fryd er en helt speciel oplevelse!

Mads Neble supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Valerija Trane supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Christina Agerboe supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd, jeg elsker dig <3

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Andreas Rune Mortensen supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Et unikt og vigtigt sted for vækstlagsmusikken

Julie Lindegaard Rasmussen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Troels Sørensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Troels Sørensen supported with 130,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anton Rydahl supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Klaus Nielsen supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Søren Dahl supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Viva la 1000fryd!

Kevin Harritsø supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rasmus Schou supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Vi når 2 mill på ingen tid

Café Von Hatten vil ikke se jer behandles på den måde

Emilie Lind Damkjær supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Torben Vinter supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Søren Kjems Brøndum Christensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Christian Møller supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Niels Ole Nørgaard supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Pernille Larsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Jeg vil gerne give ølkortet til de frivillige, tak for jeres store arbejde.

Kristian Petersen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Håber I klarer den!

Philip Nordling supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Barbara Porziella supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Support 1000Fryd!

nielsf supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mads Bang Pedersen supported with 170,00 kr. · 3 months ago

An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Steffen Berenthz Eriksen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Janne Thoft supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Torben Bille supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Fryd skal bestå! 
Dorthe Bille supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Morten Andersen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Morten Sørup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Anders Steen Nielsen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jonny Paw supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Julie Aaen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
tholarsch supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd for altid

An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Maria Sjøblom supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anette B. Konggaard Schou supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


Jakob Lindberg Jensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Nicolai Bøttcher Videsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Cæcilie Kallehave Jensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Håber, jeg kan støtte fra Island <3

Kit Løvendahl supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Daníel Sigurðarson supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Christian Lønsman Larsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

gemmergemmer supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Per Thorling Hadsund supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000FRYD er uundværligt i Aalborg.

Trine Kjærhus supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jens Lynggaard supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Trine Kjærhus supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Torben Hærup supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago


sassi bischoff supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago


Bjarni Olsen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Bevar 1000fryd

An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anne Mette Elneff supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Rune Brauer supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Marc Sanganee supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000Fryd har givet mig så vanvittigt meget som musiker. Tak for kærligheden gennem årene.

Klaus Knudsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Karina Sørensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Peter Flyvholm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Aalborgs kulturelle DNA skal altid overleve!

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Kæmp for satan, kæmp!!!

Martin Graungaard supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Håber mine børn også får lov til at opleve 1000fryd.

Klaus Larsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Jeg har haft mange gode oplevelser på 1000fryd. Jeg ønsker at andre i fremtiden får samme mulighed. Derfor sender jeg jer min støtte.

An anonymous person supported with 380,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Tak 1000Fryd! Aalborg kan ikke undvære dig!

Rasmus Albertsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Steffen Nielsen supported with 800,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Tine Kryschanoffsky supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Steffen Nielsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Fryd længe leve!

Johan Heinsen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Anne Rytter supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Molly Hegner supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Tore Rovs Kristoffersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jesper Thiemer Hansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Brit H.U. Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Jeppe Garde supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Helle Katrine Brokmann Sørensen supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 170,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Kristina Gade supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Nikolaj Rossander Kristensen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Hils Jesper Thiemer Hansen

Jeppe Bülow supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lasse Mejer Petersen supported with 5.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Christina Eilers supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Ib Pallesen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Karina Øgendahl supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Fryd ❤️

Astrid Kløtzl supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Pedro da Palma supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000Fryd er en alt for vigtig kulturinstitution, til at vi kan lade den lukke.

En afsindig vigtig brik i et internationalt undergrunds- og DIY netværk, som tilbyder en scene for dygtige og kompetente bands lokalt, nationalt og internationalt.
1000Fryd er en ener.

Arne Holm supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Gry Christensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Dorthe Dethlefsen supported with 140,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Sofie Posselt supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Signe Marie Hansen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Martin Bak Jørgensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jan Drilling supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Rasmus Bro Clemmensen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago


Niels Risgaard Hansen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Spil noget med SLAYER! 🤘
Carsten Lorenzen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jon Heibæk supported with 125,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Allan Johansen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago

I er velkomne til at forære det til en anden, eller hænge det op på fryd👍

Jon Heibæk supported with 450,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000Fryd skal fortsætte som modpol til det etablerede og polerede. Vigtigt for byen uanset hvor meget man selv kommer der.

Niels Sørensen supported with 250,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd 4-ever!

Morten Nørgård supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
chainxor supported with 666,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Der røg den foie gras...

Susanne Must supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Louise V.K. Johansson supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Torben Jensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Mikkel Harrild supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Ruth Olesen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Torben Jensen supported with 450,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Birgitte Ride supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

Tak for de bedste musikoplevelser i Aalborg

Brian Jensen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Lars-Bo Andersen supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anders Lassen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Ditte Jakobsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 105,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago

1000fryd er en vigtig kulturinstitution i Danmark, som både er en kanal for upcoming danske kunstnere, men også kunstnere fra resten af hele verden. Det er også et socialt rum for mange mennesker, som har deres fællesskab der. Lad os ikke miste et sted, som er så værdifuldt for så mange mennesker.

Julie Høy Bekker supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Hessel Van der kooij supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Julie Høy Bekker supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Ivan Frellsen supported with 1.500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago

Min søn har haft stor glæde af huset. Derfor vil jeg gerne støtte.

Maibritt Drastrup supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Christian Bruun Sanders supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Lotte Lunddorf supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Liw Jensen supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Torben Knudsen supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Jens Haubek supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
An anonymous person supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Trong Le supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 months ago
Anne Marie Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
Michael Eis supported with a secret amount · 3 months ago
LECA NUTS taken from the wall from 1000Fryd
Donation from 50,00 Buy Leca nuts and save 1000FRYD 
Get your ovn unique piece of 1000FRYD's history - one of the infamous Leca balls from the hollow wall. They have proven themselves to have zero sound-proofing qualities and a high capacity for transmitting vibrations through masonry. By bying a small packet of these small buggers you contribute to sound-proofing and saving 1000Fryd

A few nuts packed up nicely 
***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping***
Donation from 125,00

Folkeaktie/share with 1000Fryd stamp and signature.

Design made by local artist Jan Fenger. 

Minimum pledge from 125 kr and up. 

Save 1000Fryd TOTEBAG
Donation from 130,00 Unique save 1000Fryd tote bag only available during this fundraiser.
Design by former local artist Kart/Hellsjells

Donation from 140,00 1000 Fryd's Classic vegan recipes through the years of Soup Kitchen collected in a new and improved cook book
Donation from 150,00 Save 1000Fryd one drink at a time

10 soft drinks: DKK 150
Fire it up with 10 sodas! Choose between Thy Cola and Thy Danskvand. 
The soft drinks are awesomely donated by Thisted Bryghus.

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 50 DKK on top of the price***
1000Fryd SOCKS
Donation from 180,00

All new 1000Fryd socks.

Look fresh and clean for the summer season sporting your new 1000Fryd socks

Minimum 150 kr for 2 pair

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

Donation from 200,00

Save 1000Fryd one drink at a time

10 Sport-Cola: DKK 200
No party without the legendary Sport-Cola. Kick up your blood sugar and get your sports buzz on.

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 50 DKK on top of the price***

Donation from 250,00

Unique benefit shirt pressed on organic fairtrade fabric.

Deisgn by former Fryd legend and artist Kärt K - Hellsjells

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

Donation from 250,00
Save 1000Fryd one drink at a time

10 Thy Pilsner or Classic: DKK 250
Buy a beer card for you and your friends and help keep the party going at 1000Fryd! The beers are donated in the coolest way by Thisted Brewery. 

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 50 DKK on top of the price***
Donation from 250,00 Random poster that comes of the right side of the wall at 1000Fryd 

 (if you want you can come down and browse through the posters)

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 100 DKK on top of the price for domestic shipping. International orders please write to ***
Donation from 260,00 Presenting the 1000Fryd calendar.
Featuring 12 different punk’y pictures, this calender helps you keep track of your concerts, period, birthdays or whatever you prefer. 
The calender is A4 sized and can be hung on any semi-vertical surface. Supports 1000Fryd’s sound proofing operations and buy the 1000Fryd 2025 calender!

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

JIGSAW PUZZLE of the 1000Fryd you know
Donation from 260,00

Jigsaw puzzle of the 1000Fryd you know. 

A4 (21,0 x 29,7 cm) puzzle pressed on 1,6 mm cardboard. 32 bricks.

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

PHOTO BOOK by Lasse Sand
Donation from 350,00 I en mørk gyde langt væk fra virkeligheden - A brief musical history of 1000Fryd by Lasse Sand  

A photo book with various pictures from 2009 to 2023

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***
1000FRYD BEER from Bad Seed Brewing
Donation from 380,00
Local brewery Bad Seed Brewing makes their own unique 1000Fryd beer, with all profits going to 1000Fryd.
The beer is an exclusive IPA; juicy, fruity and lovely brewed exclusively for our fundraiser brewed by local Bad Seed Brewing. It will only be sold in quantities of 6 in this fundraiser.

6 beers for 380 DKK 

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 75 DKK on top of the price***
***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***
POSTER BOOK 2017-2024
Donation from 400,00
In extension of the old poster book; here comes the new crew.
A collection of a lot of the posters created at 1000Fryd for shows and other events in the period from 2017 to 2024. 

Front page design by local artist Sigurd Højstrup

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***
1000FRYD's HISTORY PART 1 BOOK by Tobias Aske Heltborg Nielsen
Donation from 450,00

***the book is in Danish, and it will be out in 2025/2026, so please be patient***

Fra Huset i Hasserisgade til en gyde langt fra virkeligeheden. 

Gennem store personligheder, referater og meget mere, fortælles de mange(til tider) modstidende sandheder om 1000fryds helt unge år, og før.

Historien om initiativrige hippier og sure punkere. Smidt på gaden af kommunen. Skulle der fundraises og renoveres? Eller skulle der BZ’es?

Og hvordan bruger man egenligt 700kvm?

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

Donation from 500,00

Instead of putting a 1000Fryd sticker on your skateboard, you can now get a Fryd skateboard deck, where you can put other stickers on. Art designed by local artist Lars Pank. 

The Boss Shop donated some funds to make this project happen.

***note: this is just the deck, so no wheels included***

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 100 DKK on top of the price***

***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***

Donation from 500,00

Pick five posters from a large selection of old 1000Fryd posters for 500 kr. 

PRIVATE SCREENING of a movie of your choice in the Peepshop
Donation from 750,00 For one day you can screening a movie of your choice in the Peepshop. Invite all your friends or sit alone and enjoy the sweet pictures hitting your face. 
***note: drinks etc are not included in the price***
Donation from 800,00 This huge 4 x LP comes in a sweet ass box designed by local artist Niels Højgaard Sørensen - Stöj Snak.
All active bands from the Aalborg music scene. Old timers and legends like Columbian Neckties,  Stöj Snak, the Courettes, and Dust Bugs to mellow heroes like Hjalte Ross and The Devil's Tiny Chains  to the hot new acts like Telus, Vægtløs, Fox Paloma, Jensen fra Provinsen and Koya, the heavy weights like Omsorg, Bogwife, and Speed Slut to the huge hiphop benefit for 1000Fryd, and everything in between.
More than 40 bands. Most of the songs are unreleased. 

***note: only pick up at 1000Fryd. No shipping. Can be shipped if you add minimum of 100 DKK on top of the price for domestic shipping. International orders please write to ***
***International buyers; please write an e-mail to for additional shipping***
Donation from 1.000,00 Empty our attic and keep whatever you find up there. 
Donation from 1.000,00

Want to be the coolest company out there? Get our company stock to display in your store or wherever you do your business.

The value you choose to donate will be displayed on the stock if you want to. Minimum donation of 1000 DKK

Donation from 2.000,00

Entry for every show at 1000Fryd in 2025 including sold out shows. 

You will get a physical card to display.

Donation from 5.000,00

Want to have 1000Fryd in your skin until you die?

Local tattoo artist Dennis Weyts donating a 1000Fryd logo (that can be modulated to whatever you want) the size of 10 x 10 cm.

Donation from 25.000,00

Entry for all shows at 1000Fryd till you die.  This also includes sold out shows. 

You will get a physical card to flex when entering Fryd.

Donation from 50.000,00
Get your own party at 1000Fryd. Get married, throw your bachelor party, invite all your friends for a night to remember??
Now is your chance, as this is not something we normally do here, as we believe we are all equal. 
You will rent the café, bar and stage with the opportunity to have your own party. 
The price includes activists to be in the bar and doing sound for you, if you want a band or speeches on the stage 

Donation from 100.000,00 Make your own unique beer at our friends in Bad Seed Brewing's brewery. 
Is your association, your company, your annual drinking trip or something else in need of your own beer? Then we have the solution here!
We've teamed up with our friends at Bad Seed Brewing, who give you the opportunity to brew and customize your very own beer, with all proceeds going to 1000Fryd (with the exception of the raw materials). You can have your company, your club, your association or your own name on your own beer, that you will help decide how it should taste.

Can be supplied as cans and/or kegs.

DKK 100,000 for 1,500 liters of beer (excl. VAT)