Hjælp os med at kunne afholde strategiworkshop for Jernbanegade

29.100,00 kr. 116.40% of 25.000,00 kr.


Marianne Holst @CountryMarket

medlem siden 11. juni, 2019


Jesper Tvilde supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Connie Ziegler supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Palle Frederiksen supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Fredensborg Ejendomsinvest ApS

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Tak for godt initiativ. Vi sætter pris på det!

BSS Multiservice Strehmel Svendsen supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Rigtig godt initiativ

Kulturhuset Fredensborg Gamle Bio Poul Juul supported with 1.400,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Supergodt initiativ. Julie Holck er alle pengene værd. Kulturhuset Fredensborg Gamle Bio runder op, så projektet kommer i hus.

Vi lægger også gerne lokale til mødet. 

Line Glahn supported with 300,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Elise Håkansson supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Erik Daugaard Jensen supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Gid der kunne komme noget brugbart ud af workshoppen…..

Kirsten Billesbølle supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Marina Ceccardi supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Tronex A/S Tronex A/S supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Kongensbaghave Fredensborg Vandrerhjem supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Vores gæster i Kongens Baghave, Fredensborg Vandrerhjem skal da kunne besøge en livlig og spændende by, når de overnatter hos os. Derfor et vigtigt projekt også for os.

Charlotte Fosvald supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Mia Willum supported with 450,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Birgit Fries supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Rolf Singer supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Morten Lahrmann supported with 300,00 kr. · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Lars Gotlieb supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Lars Gotlieb

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Mange  Tak :)

Keith Fobian supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Super spændende projekt! 

Vigtigt for os i Fredensborg og Danmark.

God vind Marianne

Torben Iversholt supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Ernst Abildtrup supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Jens-Erik Majlund supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Vigtigt projekt

Annette Bille supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Ole Skanning supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Pøj pøj og tak for dig Marianne. 

Johan Kijne supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Danbolig Fredensborg supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Mark og Steen Læssøe - Danbolig Fredensborg 

Gedske Juhl Jakobsen supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Christiane Bjørn Weile supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago


Juan Francisco Duque supported with 300,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Ole Schmitto supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Anders Fisker supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Naturligt at støtte kreative Marianne. Mvh Fisker & Partners

Andreas Fjeldborg supported with 350,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Godt initiativ Marianne

Alexander Bilenberg-Lundkvist supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Per Normann Jensen supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago


An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Helt fantastisk initiativ, som naturligvis skal støttes!!!

Laura Bech supported with 200,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Super godt initiativ 

Kirsten Kloster supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Tak fint initiativ. Tak for jer. Håber det lykkes men bare det at gøre noget, er en succes i sig selv 

Pia Strehmel supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Kirsten Løvschall supported with 800,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Så vigtig en indsats, det støtter jeg gerne!

Kirsten Løvschall/Stopsygefravær.nu

Susanne Trampe Broch supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Maria Lambert supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Liselotte Abildtrup supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Grith Kayser supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Fantastisk initiativ - en workshop som Fredensborg bymidte har brug for.

An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Ole Munkøe supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Det er det byen har behov - en vision og en strategi 

An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 1 year ago
Simon Kastberg supported with 500,00 kr. · 1 year ago
nielsoevlisen supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago

Godt initiativ!

Evonne Røder supported with 250,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Godt initiativ 

An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 1 year ago
Marianne Holst supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 1 year ago

Dejligt at kunne investere i sin by
