Street Arcade @ Distortion

16.979,00 kr. 169.79% of 10.000,00 kr.




IGDADK supported with 3.000,00 kr. · 12 years ago
We look forward for the awesome showcasing of brilliant games made by some of the great game developers in Denmark. Should be great fun for all to enjoy. Great work!
KnapnokGames supported with 2.500,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Party On!
HerrEmil supported with 300,00 kr. · 12 years ago
kimgchristensen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 13 years ago
iwatter supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
held og lykke!
An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
UngeSpiludviklere supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Street Arcade er et virkelig godt koncept som vi i Unge Spiludviklere gerne vil være med til at støtte. Vi ses til Distortion!
bjarnechristensen supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
All the best for the project.
uffeflarup supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
BasedonExperience supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 13 years ago
VulleBalut supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
kristineploug supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Laust supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
HeinoJ supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
audiostardenmark supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Now... get those games out there to all the happy party people.
pyjamads supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
jonkk supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Søren Lundgaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 13 years ago
LeifN supported with 200,00 kr. · 13 years ago
barklund supported with a secret amount · 13 years ago
Ludosity supported with 2.500,00 kr. · 13 years ago
I'm addicted to crowdfunding.
Herold supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Shut up and take my money!
Anchel supported with a secret amount · 13 years ago
emilk supported with 128,00 kr. · 13 years ago
sebbe supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
So much gonna happen! :)
Preben supported with a secret amount · 13 years ago
kavr supported with a secret amount · 13 years ago
dajana supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
I am soooo much looking forward for this party :)
Champagne_NYC supported with 300,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Game on- glæder mig
pjarnfelt supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago
Michael Eis supported with a secret amount · 13 years ago
Glæder mig til arrangementet, bliver så godt :)
LauKorsgaard supported with 100,00 kr. · 13 years ago