Bird Alert

8.586,00 kr. 107.33% of 8.000,00 kr.


jeppezeeberg @jeppezeeberg

medlem siden 31. oktober, 2012


thereseAEvne supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Jeg krydser alle fingrene for pladeudgivelsen jeres og glæder mig riktig meget til at høre resultatet!
kirstinelindemann supported with 100,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Jeg glæder mig til at høre jer
musikmonkey supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
SaraRosendal supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
sofiemyhr supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Jeg vil lige have en mere, egentlig!
sofiemyhr supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
idaduelund supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
henriettezeeberg supported with 306,00 kr. · 12 years ago
sp nåede I 8000 :-)
nadiachristiansen supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
lonevilstrup supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
Selvfølgelig støtter jeg den gode musik!!!!
kevinbrow supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
glæder mig til at høre pladen!
steenandersen supported with 200,00 kr. · 12 years ago
jazbogross supported with 150,00 kr. · 12 years ago
marienaestholt supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
Vomle supported with 101,00 kr. · 12 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 12 years ago
susannej supported with 400,00 kr. · 12 years ago
AnniLindeskov supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
annettesondergaard supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
birgitschmidt supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
håber det lykkes for jer
Colfax supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
camilla gammel supported with 150,00 kr. · 12 years ago
kimtietze supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
Held og lykke med projektet
joergenzeeberg supported with 200,00 kr. · 12 years ago
PeterZeeberg supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 12 years ago
marcusmukherjee supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
Jeg glæder mig til at høre pladen! - Marcus
Ladsmund supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
simonroenne supported with 125,00 kr. · 12 years ago
bjornfunch supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
karenskovgaard-petersen supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
andersbach supported with 150,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Mortenjessen supported with 100,00 kr. · 12 years ago
Glæder mig til at lytte!
MarieKjaer supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
urs inag supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
hey guys looking forward to the LP! I hope you get all the money you need! kh fra schweiz ursina
ONehammer supported with 150,00 kr. · 12 years ago
idunvarvin supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
Glæder mig sådan til at høre pladen!
Michael Eis supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
gemmergemmer supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
AnnBritt supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago
nicolaiclaesson supported with a secret amount · 12 years ago