The cabin project

63.611,00 kr. 127.22% of 50.000,00 kr.


Inthebeginning @inthebeginning

medlem siden 28. marts, 2013


No updates for this project yet.
Digital download
Donation from 100,00 100 kr, 17 USD, 11 GBP When donating this amount we greatfully reward you with a digital download code for the coming album.
Signed cd package
Donation from 200,00 200 kr, 34 USD, 22 GBP = signeret cd tilsendt. When donating this amount we greatfully reward you with a signed copy of our coming album.
CD and Vinyl package
Donation from 500,00 85 USD, +56 GBP = 1 signeret cd og 1 vinyl. A privat photo from the cabin with message from us. When donating this amount we greatfully reward you with a signed copy of our coming cd and vinyl edition + a private photo from the cabin with a message from us.
CD. Vinyl post-card greeting + name in CD sleeve package
Donation from 1.000,00 171 USD, 113 GBP = a postcard from the cabin + cd + vinyl + your name in the cd sleeve. When donating this amount we greatfully reward you with a signed copy of our cd and special vinyl edition+ postcard with greeting from the cabin and your name printed in the cd sleeve.
The exlusive demo package
Donation from 5.000,00 856 USD,567 GBP = Everything as in 1000 kr + 2 demos of songs for this record from our personal library! When donating this amount we greatfully reward you with everything as in the1000 kr package + 2 demos of songs for this record from our personal library!
The exclusive recording package. (2 person limited)
Donation from 10.000,00 1713, USD 1134 GBP = Personal thank You in cd sleeve + skype performance from canada +  an exclusive recording of a song by your personal choise. 