De efterladte på vinyl

18.461,00 kr. 123.07% of 15.000,00 kr.


Peter H. Olesen @peterolesen

medlem siden 17. september, 2012


Dan_Ingemann supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Godt projet glæder mig til at høre resultatet. Hvis I skal på tour kunne det være super hvis I kom forbi Nordsjælland.
spurrrs supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
ksj74 supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Mikael Dehn supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Ser frem ;-) (never look back)
Nicki Bladt supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
KlausMors supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
niels_neutron supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
mortenspies supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
m_monrad_madsen_jr supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Søren Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Mike supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Ole Udvang supported with 151,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Jeg glæder mig til Olesen på vinyl!
JaneN supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Kasper Philbert supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Iben Kristensen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
forgetaboutit supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
hundenmich supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Held og lykke med det videre projekt kh hundenmich
Jacob Knudsen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Majortom supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
BenniB supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Martin Moesgaard Strauss supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
kaaresmith supported with 75,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Olesen tilbage på vinyl!
Renatus supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Anders Ellegaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
TorbenMunksgaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Photobuster supported with 300,00 kr. · 11 years ago
lucas8 supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
I en god sags tjeneste.....
Uffe Ladefoged supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Slettet Bruger supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Rune Thorbjørk supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Mynheer supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
analoge melankolikere
falbaek supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
itkin supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Ove Dissing-Spandet supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Ulrich Heiselberg supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Carsten Jokumsen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
djoerup supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
JakobJensen supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Thomas Falk supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
orgelallan supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Jesper Hansen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Jørgen Harkes Mikkelsen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
kjoengsdal supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Preben Poulsen supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Ulrik supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Henrik Nim supported with 5.000,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Koncert i Tobaksgaarden ved en ikke nærmere angivet dato.
larssteen supported with 275,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Niels Borup supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Nyder stadig den første...mindes, med glæde, koncerten på Tobaksgaarden i Assens... Måske skal vi lave en housekoncert sammen en dag?? VH. Niels Borup.
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
jona74 supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
nielsf supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Kan næsten ikke vente...
pqrannes supported with 300,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Peter Lander supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Jacob J. Kjær supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
rkraghb supported with 200,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Hej Peter og Michael - håber mit bidrag kan være med til at få trykt vinylerne - en af dem glæder jeg mig til at spinne og lytte til selv :)
sandrepair supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Hankeast supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
JanDamage supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 160,00 kr. · 11 years ago
kaaresmith supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
rasmusgraff supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
flipper supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Kasper Løvkvist supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
Dennis Kofod supported with a secret amount · 11 years ago
jabrodk supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Pterkrogh supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago
Tommy_Heisz supported with 150,00 kr. · 11 years ago