The Shoreline Stay EP

15.436,00 kr. 192.95% of 8.000,00 kr.


theshorelinestay @theshorelinestay

medlem siden 21. januar, 2014

Om projektet

The Shoreline Stay EP

Please scroll down for the UK version.

I løbet af foråret 2014 indspiller vi vores første EP med 5 numre, der i slutningen af april er dugfrisk og –færdig. I vores Shoreline Stay have gror der mange ting, men desværre ikke pengetræer, der uden videre kaster moneter efter os.

Derfor er vi gået i gang med at crowdfunde nogle af udgifterne, som findes i forbindelse med vores indspilning. Vi financierer selv en del af produktionen, men mangler dit bidrag til at få skudt vores musikalske bold helt ind i nettet.

Derfor, har du lyst til at: - sikre dig, at der bliver skabt ny, original musik i Danmark?
- støtte vores drøm så den bliver til virkelighed?
- investere i vores sange, så de kan vokse og blive til musik i dine ører?

Vi udgiver musikken digitalt på alle musiktjenester (iTunes, Spotify, WiMP, TDC Play m.fl.), og som fysisk eksemplar af musikken, udfører en række illustratorer en unik illustration, der passer til hver af de 5 sange. Det er du også med til at støtte og gøre til virkelighed.

Så hjælp os! Konceptet er, at du køber musikken inden den er færdig, så vi har noget at lave musikken med. DU køber altså før du får, og på trods af gode gamle økonomiske råd, så ER crowdfunding meningsfyldt. Ik?

Kærlig hilsen
The Shoreline Stay / Rikke & Thomas


During spring 2014 we are recording our first EP featuring 5 of our songs. Lots of different things are growing in our Shoreline Stay garden but money throwing trees and shrubs are not amongst the greenery, unfortunately.

We're funding studio time, pays for musicians and everything in between on our own – so to soften the blow we're trying to crowd fund some of our project expenses.

So, do you want to:
- Make sure that new, original music is being created in Denmark?
- Support our dream and make it come true?
- Invest in our songs to make them grow and bloom into your ears?

We are publishing the music on all major online music services like iTunes, Spotify, WiMP, TDC Play (Danish service). But we wanted to give you a physical experience, too. That's why we have asked 5 illustrators to create a unique piece of art work – one song for each illustrator, so there's something for your wall, as well!

Help us! The whole idea is that you buy the music before it is done – so we can create it! In spite of all economic advice and good sense, you are buying before you are getting – but then again, crowd funding DOES make a lot of sense, right?

Lots of love
The Shoreline Stay / Rikke & Thomas


1$ = app. 5.50 DKK
1£ = app. 9 DKK
1€ = app. 7.50 DKK



    For amounts between: 20,00 Kr. - 50,00 Kr.
    Download a track from the EP in the digital quality of choice



    For amounts between: 51,00 Kr. - 100,00 Kr.
    Download the full EP in the digital quality of choice.



    For amounts between: 101,00 Kr. - 200,00 Kr.
    Download full EP and get 5 beautiful illustrations from 5 illustrators.



    For amounts between: 201,00 Kr. - 500,00 Kr.
    Download full EP,  5 beautiful illustrations and a nifty tote bag sporting our lovely band graphics.



    For amounts between: 501,00 Kr. - 2.499,00 Kr.
    If you are THAT nice splashing over 500 dkk on us you will receive: Download full EP,  5 beautiful illustrations, a nifty tote bag sporting our lovely band graphics AND an evening where you will be vined and dined + get a mini concert at the home of either Rikke & Thomas.



    For amounts between: 2.500,00 Kr. - 7.000,00 Kr.
    You will get everything and a full concert where ever you are (Only Denmark, though unless you are a some kind of sheikh and pay for travel and accomodation).
