Mizz Understood Crew Indsamling

25.557,00 kr. 102.23% of 25.000,00 kr.


mizzunderstood @mizzunderstood

medlem siden 11. februar, 2014


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You Sweet Sweet Thang
Ved støtte fra 50,00 kr. Do you know what you just did? You just brought us one step closer to our dream! For that, you not only deserve your name on our website but also the conscience of an angel. Thank you. Reward: A personal shoutout on our website and good conscience!
Need a Mizz Understood Peptalk?
Ved støtte fra 150,00 kr. What can we say? We owe you more than our gratitude. This amount of generosity will get you 4 calls from the members of Mizz Understood. We will call you at a random time a day and maybe give you a peptalk, a joke, a song or something entirely different. No doubt this will make your day! Reward: A personal shoutout on our website and 4 calls from the Mizz Understood guys.
Wanna feel special?
Ved støtte fra 500,00 kr. So, you’ve supported Mizz Understood and what do you have to show for it? Our limited edition high quality custom made t-shirt with our special designed crew logo of course! We have 20 unique t-shirts on the line for you supporters, not available anywhere else. Reward: A personal shoutout on our website and a limited edition Mizz Understood T-shirt.
We love cleaning!
Ved støtte fra 1.000,00 kr. Don’t you just hate cleaning, when you could be chillin on the sofa? Well, let’s make that happen for you! The Mizz Understood boys will put on their uniform, some music and then clean whatever you want for a whole hour. Only available in the capital city area – unless you move your car or house to us of course! Reward: A personal shoutout on our website and an hours cleaning of your choice, (only available in Copenhagen area)
X Marks the Spot!
Ved støtte fra 2.500,00 kr. A Mizz Understood treasure hunt. “There is all the difference in the world between treasure and money”. We honor this quote and your, more than generous, donation by arranging a once in a lifetime event for you. A guided, and mis-guided, hunt for treasure throughout the old streets of Copenhagen. Only 20 limited spots! Feel free to give the tickets to a friend, if you are from distant lands! We will figure out the date together. You also get a shoutout on our website!
Ved støtte fra 5.000,00 kr. “I’m your private dancer, a dancer for money”, Tina Turner said. A true entertainer. Now let us thank you by entertaining you. Do you have an upcoming event, birthday or do you just want to make something special out of a Tuesday evening? Mizz Understood will perform for you and give you a show you’ll never forget! Reward: A personal shoutout on our website, 2 tickets to our treasure hunt and a show of your choice.