Skating i Danmark

37.024,00 kr. 123.41% of 30.000,00 kr.


nordstromsforlag @nordstromsforlag

medlem siden 1. februar, 2013


rasmataz supported with 301,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Ulrick Jacobsen supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
rolling supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
miack supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
esbenwisbech supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
bitchslapmagazine supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Det lyder som et virkelig godt projekt - glæder mig til at se resultatet!
Michael Andersen supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
andped supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Simon Christiansen supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Jonas Brincher supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Hey gutter Fuckin fedt initiativ. Glæder mig for vildt til at se bogen. Kan i venligst skrive: Doc Jonze & FT2000 som navnet på takkelisten i stedet for Jonas Brincher!? Ses til receptionen
oesterby supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
sorenhv supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
sidselfangel supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Simon Iwersen supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
nikolajpaaby supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Pissegodt projekt Henrik. Glæder mig til at se resultatet
kevinwalter supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
clausjuul supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
metteschneider supported with 400,00 kr. · 10 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 420,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Jens Haar supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Fedeste projekt! Love it!
Rasmus Kjærbo supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Fanme sejt, drenge. Stor respekt. Glæder mig til at se det færdige produkt!
mpbk supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
gammelbirch supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Skating er kommet for at blive. Tillykke med den fine bog.Gammelbirch
robertsosis supported with 376,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Tristan Frey Wilkinson supported with 321,00 kr. · 10 years ago
glæder mig til kram
oleskjelmose supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
glæder mig til at se bogen :-)
morerik supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Adam Grausen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
540 in your face!
Thomas Kring supported with 720,00 kr. · 10 years ago
i er for SEJE ! 100 100 100
Christian Langballe supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Kim Vester supported with 400,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Johnni Frederiksen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
100% kærlighed
jaffa supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Lidt her og lidt der...
henrik1 supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
falg supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
andersj supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
lindabmp supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
jacob_unna supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Glæder mig til at modtage bogen :-)
nisandersen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
jones supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Tak - Jeg glæder mig ´- flot arbejde
kimbatiste supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
skateboarding der ud af!!! :-)
Theis Mortensen supported with 501,00 kr. · 10 years ago
KÆMPE respekt.. glæder mig som en lille dreng, som den lille dreng der fik sit første board i 1986 (Neil Blender med Tracker Trucks og BamBam hjul) ..
kriz supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Mads Christensen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Mikael Mikkelsen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
barryl1975 supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
rasmus_petersen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Rasmus Poulsen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Glæder mig!
michaelp supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
groha supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Godt projekt Stødt!!
xtkyox supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
ettrup supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Super fed idé! Glæder mig til at se mere til bogen.
bjarke_hansen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Jesper Andreasen supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Tue supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Eirikur supported with 400,00 kr. · 10 years ago
morten_kaa supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Troels Jørgensen supported with 351,00 kr. · 10 years ago
skroder supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Matz Svendsgård supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
anononymo supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
michaelnielsen1 supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
pele supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Skate for life.
thomas_nielsen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Glæder mig til at se det færdige resultat! :)
clarkhassler supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
gulstad supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Super fedt projekt...
madslehnert supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Big up!
Martin Ejvind Arthur Weiling aka. Brown supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
andreasrisby supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
snemester supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
anders_jensen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Laurent Gehin supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
mortenwesth supported with 400,00 kr. · 10 years ago
emilhagstroem supported with 400,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Aske Stræde supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
nlj88 supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
larsbernt supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
thomasdamgaard supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
aaby supported with 540,00 kr. · 10 years ago
En dag skal du dø skater og din sjæl cruizer igennem et rundt og rippende rør...
Steen Andersen supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Justin Ulbrichsen supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Johanne Bruun Johanne Bruun supported with 500,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Virkelig fint projekt! Jeg glæder mig til at se resultatet.
Giovanni Marini supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
casperhaugegaard supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
martinransby supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Andreas Brandt supported with 300,00 kr. · 10 years ago
annefolehave supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Glæder mig til at se det færdige resultat.
René Johannsen supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Fyr op Edels! Glæder mig til at se resultatet!
tdiddy supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago
Fedt projekt!
yaqup supported with 350,00 kr. · 10 years ago
Fedt projekt! Af dygtige folk..Det glæder jeg mig virkelig til at bladre i, og måske oveni købet stave mig igennem!
CBUEN supported with a secret amount · 10 years ago