Funding til afgangsfilm

8.000,00 kr. 160.00% of 5.000,00 kr.




Marie Dollerup-Nielsen supported with 60,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Louise Jacobi supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
LineThastum supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Charlotte Nielsen supported with 550,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Annette Hildebrand Jensen supported with a secret amount · 8 years ago
Tak fordi I laver denne vigtige film
gitteawwal supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
lucas majgaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Marie Christiansen supported with 400,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Lola Broe supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Frederikke Skaanning supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Elisabeth Stendys supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
signe dalsgaard jakobsen supported with 40,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Lis Bentzen Mørk Hansen supported with a secret amount · 8 years ago
Fortsæt med at fortælle skæbnehistorier via film. Det er vigtig vidensdeling i et afkølet samfund.
Jørn Pagh supported with 200,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Therese Eichenwald supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Birte Oksen Møller supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Et godt initiativ og et vigtigt projekt....bør støttes af alle der besidder blot en smule empati!!
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Held og lykke med jers fantastisk arbejde
Casper Beese supported with 455,00 kr. · 8 years ago
anne-sofie storm wesche supported with 500,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Ud over stepperne :)
Schumann supported with 500,00 kr. · 8 years ago
susanne martens supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Heidi Paulsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Per Christensen supported with 500,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Anne-Sofie Lindgaard supported with 40,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Anette Pawsø supported with 300,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Anne Dyhrberg supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Lasse Guldsborg supported with 500,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Super spændende! Glæder mig til at se resultatet.
Janne Guldsborg supported with 200,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Charlotte Herforth supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Pøj pøj, smukke Nawa
Lea Kathrine Rask supported with 100,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Ditte Vuholm supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Cecilie Eriksen supported with 50,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Søren Oliver Due supported with 700,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Isa Romby supported with a secret amount · 8 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 8 years ago
Helle Nielsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 9 years ago
Maria Haumann supported with 20,00 kr. · 9 years ago
Håber i kan bruge mit lille bidrag ❤️❤️
Dorthe Hansen supported with 250,00 kr. · 9 years ago