
35.031,53 kr. 116.77% of 30.000,00 kr.


Mathias Brander Skovsted @matbrasko

medlem siden 3. marts, 2017


An anonymous person supported with 114,53 kr. · 6 years ago
Thomas Borchert supported with 350,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Birgitte Dalsgård supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Bendt Wittrock Jespersen supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Andreas Nielsen supported with 25,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Godt arbejde!
Emil Madsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Hanne-Louise Johannesen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
amandafbj supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Peter H. Olesen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jane Andersen supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jane Katholm supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Lotte Klemens Thomhave supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Thomas Seyfarth supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
IrmaMarie Korsgaard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Kristian Jacobsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Annaanita Wiinblad supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Karin supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Thomas Thurah supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Helle Hovgaard Jørgensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Mette Lindberg supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jacob Nyboe supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Nils_Ravat_Rasmussen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Jeppe Kristensen supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Brynhild Øygard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Birkit Janum supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 40,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Marie Brask supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Jeg synes, “hver mandag” er et fantastisk og berigende projekt!
Henrik Madsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Cæcilie Poulsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tina Juul Møller supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gita Pasternak supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Cindy Lynn Brown supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak for ugentlig inspiration
kenneth krabat supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Det er godt, at hvermandag er blevet understøttet igen i år. Og især godt, at det er modtagerne, som har indset både nytte og værdi. Og at bidrag klart både takker kommende og nuværende forfattere og redaktører - for fortsættelse, niveau, værdighed og medlevende vilje og talent. Hvis ord kunne betale regningerne, ville hverken I eller vi mangle midler. Tak.
Lilian Brøgger supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gunnar Wille supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jonas Møller supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Shekufe Heiberg supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kirsten Holm supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Marianne Eskebæk supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
katbo supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Martin Gottlob supported with 220,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Claus Brandstrup supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Lotte Hansen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Johannes S. H. Bjerg supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
jurope supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Niels Henrik Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Jette Lehmann Mikkelsen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
lonebirk supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Claus Handberg Christensen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Manuel Lahrmann supported with 40,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Johan Hedegaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gustav Valdemar Strange supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Muy bien
Joachim Lykke supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 6 years ago
William Kudahl supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Ulla Naumann supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
dalgaard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Er lige med for anden gang i denne runde de 30.000 skal bare nås!
Mathias Samuelsen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
mortend supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Alt for godt et initiativ til at det skal slutte nu...
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Marie-Louise Bormann supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Mette Zerlang supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Marie Louise Kjølbye supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Michael Holbek supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Det er bare super fedt at vågne mandag morgen til en tekst, man aldrig havde ventet. Det gør mig meget glad, at I findes.
Ida Marie Bertelsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
kirsten andersen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
thomas olesen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Håber I når i mål :-)
marlis supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Mette Kaagaard supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
peter Laugesen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Katjax supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Mette supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
sidse laugesen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Trine Laier supported with 199,00 kr. · 6 years ago
ingen mandag uden ‘hver mandag’
gitteioslo supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Hanne Viemose supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Bodil Glenthøj supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christel Wiinblad supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Honza Hoeck supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Marianne Raakilde Jespersen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christian Pedersen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Søren Rosenberg Pedersen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
rjj71 supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Ingrid Løgstrøm supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Pernille Arvedsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Mia Dalby supported with 73,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Pia Juul supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
martinhb supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Stig Haas Møller supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
lottekirkebyhansen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Helle Helle supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Karen Juul supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Bliver glad hver mandag.
Vibeke Fischer møller supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Sandra Cecilie Lund supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
louisejuhldalsgaard supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
kirsten thorup supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Oddur Hansen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Maja Zander supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gitte Broeng supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Martin Sparre supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Maja Hendel supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
simon kristensen supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
M Lucas supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Det er en stor glæde for mig, at modtage de meget forskellige tekster hver mandag morgen, vh Ab
Flemming Jensen supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
jbrhum supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 75,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak for teksterne.
jetiveri supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Frederik Johannessen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Af hjertet tak.
An anonymous person supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Harlev supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 120,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Storyteller supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Tak for mange skønne mandagstekster :-)
Storyteller supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Tak for mange skønne mandagstekster :-)
lise laursen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
mortensondergaard supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Troels Lund Nielsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gunnar Wille supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Kunst er vigtig
Michael Robak supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Anette Aagaard Andersen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
En dejlig måde at starte en ny på, tak!
Birgitte Ahlmann Hasselager supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
jettem supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Marie Nathan supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
maimisfeldt supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Den bedste start på ugen
Mikkel supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Hver eneste mandag glæder jeg mig til et nyt stykke poesi. Skønt at I holder på med at sende mig glad ud i ugen!
Nina Olesen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
vibeketheisendk supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Anne Vad supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
julietop supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Peter Eriksen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kasper Andreasen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Josefine Brinck Mulvad supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 75,00 kr. · 6 years ago
mortend supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Konceptet er fortsat herligt og variationen i typerne af bidrag stærkt tiltrækkende. Det er lidt som vitaminpiller hele året..
Hans Peter Madsen supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Mie Angelo supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 95,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak :-)
baquii supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Niels Roed supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
marialunden supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Morten Rasmussen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gitte Mühlendorph supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Anna J. Olesen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Så herligt et medie, som jeg håber består!
Signe Elise Bro supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
marlis supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christine Tjalve supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Siw Ranis supported with 60,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Thomas Seyfarth supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Marianne Thompson supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Inger Rydal supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Glæder mig til mere litteratur hver mandag...
L Stag supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Karen Skovbjerg supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gry Granhof Nancke supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
stefanboll supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Søren Gehlert Schmidt supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Poul Aksel Poulsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jeanette Land Schou supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
selv tak
An anonymous person supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
sillejensen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
runebvkaldau supported with 40,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Martin Glaz Serup supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Sammen med Hvedekorn det mest vedholdende og seriøse tidsskrift for nyskrevet skønlitteratur i Danmark!
Nanna Goul supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak for en opløftende start på alle mandage!
Susanne Marie Salskov supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Morten Christensen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jørgen Larsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Peter Holland supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Anne-Mette Bjerring supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kristine Korsgaard supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak for hver mandag
dalgaard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Jeg nyder Hvermandagshilsen i fulde drag. Det ville dog være rædselsfuldt, hvis der pludselig blev lukket for mandags-tekst-hanen. Tak for indsatsen.
Anton Juul supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Må teksthøsten fortsætte ud i det uendelige univers. KH
Peter Hindsgaul supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Og således blev mandag min yndlingsdag...
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Dejligt at finde i sin indbakke hver mandag
Finn Bendixen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Bente Vinge Pedersen supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Felix Katzenelson supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Elsker jer
Kristian Møller supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Marianne Due supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
ditten supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 70,00 kr. · 6 years ago
johermann supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
mikkelwallentin supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Fortsæt det gode arbejde.
Thomas Jensen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 49,94 kr. · 6 years ago
Anne-Mette Deleuran supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
peer bundgaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Hep! Jeg brokker mig til postmanden, hvis han ikke leverer brevet til tiden mandag morgen.
Agnethe Sørensen supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
BorisBoll supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
det er så fedt, så fedt, at I bare kører videre og videre ..
An anonymous person supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
leatrier supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
birnamariannekleivan supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Rikke Thaisen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Annemarie Boje supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Bruger siden 2014, åbner hver uge med dette lille pift :-)
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 75,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Inge Junker supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
ingelise supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kaj Andersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Pia Hansen supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Pia Elleby Lange supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
jurope supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
blokhus supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
vagn qvistgaard supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Aslaug Bugge supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Pernille Andersen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Nina Lindquist supported with 40,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Thor Penthin Grumløse supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
palle skov supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Signe Gry supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
SoerenPeterHansen supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Uni Vous Ortmann supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Susanne Kramer Madsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christel Wiinblad supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
birgitbundesen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Annemarie Løppenthin supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
I skal fondes forzi I skal findes hvermandag
Martin Kongstad supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
johansen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jon Kyst supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kirsten Jørgensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gerd Schmidt Nielsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christian de Groot-Poulsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Tak for at få litteraturen ud i verden, og endda helt ud i vores indbakker på mailen! Det er vi mange, der er taknemmelige for! Live long and prosper!
Nanna Kristensev supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago