Månelys - indspilning af single

11.505,00 kr. 104.59% of 11.000,00 kr.


Morten @mortenebert

medlem siden 17. juni, 2018


Martin Østergaard supported with 30,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Henrik Kjærgaard supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Held og lykke
Ib Nielsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Claus Rzenno supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jesper Dengsø supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Inge-Line Kuhr Brasen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kim Bang supported with 50,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Annette Ipsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kurt Dahl supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Anne Nielsen supported with 75,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Morten supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jeppe Honoré supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 350,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Kristina Bryld supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Søren Nøhr Jensen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Morten supported with 350,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Jakob Haugaard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Rie Lorentzen supported with 500,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Fra Klaus og Rie
Louise Jensen supported with 80,00 kr. · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Morten supported with 100,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Laura Larsen-Jensen supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Morten supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Line Sandager Østersø supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Rie Lorentzen supported with 200,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Du gør det så godt, Morten!
Henrik Stasiak Hagelquist supported with 260,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Ønsker dig alt det bedste! Jeg glæder mig til at høre singlen, når den er klar! Kærlig hilsen Buster :-)
Johannes Gehr supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Første lille kapitalindsprøjtning! Kys ;-)
Henry Dyrlund supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Christian Kampmann Olsen supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Gode tanker til Hr Ebert :-)
John Erik Kristensen supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Sanne Birger-Christensen supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Gunni Østergaard Pedersen supported with 188,89 kr. · 6 years ago
Julia Frandsen supported with 20,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Go go Morten!
Hans Læsø supported with 111,11 kr. · 6 years ago
Peder van der Schaft supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Jan Christian Mollestad supported with 250,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Spennende når den store musikkjournalist selv blir komponist!
Ninna Gøtzsche supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Birthe Finger supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
kristoffer Nørgaard supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Kevin KRISTENSEN supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Oi lad!
Thomas Arthur supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
Du fortjener at komme i mål
Linda Alstrup supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago
OleRosenstandSvidt supported with a secret amount · 6 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 300,00 kr. · 6 years ago
Ole Holmgaard supported with 150,00 kr. · 6 years ago