FALK Bornholm

22.051,00 kr. 220.51% of 10.000,00 kr.


Line Falk @falkbornholm

medlem siden 2. september, 2020


Jesper Louis Andersen supported with 50,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Jeg kan ikke lide snaps. Overhovedet. Men det her er et godt projekt, så det bliver støttet anyway.
Louise Raagaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Line Jacobsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Marianne Angelsø supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Laura Vilsbæk supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Skønt projekt, skøn energi. Alt godt til dig, Line.
Michael Dreves supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Ulrik Hansen supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Jonna Theede supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Tak fordi du bruger naturens egne skatkamre, værdsætter netop det, og giver dine syps og snaps den store kærlighed de fortjener!
An anonymous person supported with 125,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Årh, jeg glæder mig så meget til honningsnaps'en ... eh sorry, syp'en. :)
Sanne Mouritsen supported with 100,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Kenn Pedersen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Rasmus Grouleff supported with 125,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Michael Yulzari supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
malourotvelpagh supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Pia Vive supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
VulleBalut supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Go, Line! From Vulle with #Twitterlove <3
Stine Pedersen supported with 125,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Henrik Slessing supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Louise Svane supported with 100,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Nicolai Nielsen supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Jesper Petersen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Morten Baun supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Ann Louise Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
PernilleBM supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Mette Ugelvig supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Goooooo Line <3
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Lars Remmen supported with 300,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Stine Fosgrau supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Kamma Luise Rodian supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Marie Begtrup supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Ritu Frandsen supported with 50,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Sigurd Hansen supported with 125,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Julie Christensen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Christa Erichsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Åh, det bliver godt!
Rikke Nørdum Sonne supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Go go go Line. Glæder mig til at smage det
Camilla Ry supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Jakob Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Thomas Stage Larsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Morten Quist supported with 300,00 kr. · 4 years ago
annevedstedvonsild supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Peter Nielsen supported with 150,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Held og lykke med projektet
Mie Nielsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Lars og Mette Autzen supported with 300,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Jesper Bagger supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Jannik Anker supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Peter Rask supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Jo Pedersen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Helle Rasmussen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Kenny Møller supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Tina Jørgensen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Lasse Hansen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Nicolai Milling supported with 500,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Morten Ellegaard Larsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
God vind!
Rasmus Grouleff supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Marita Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Glenn Raavig supported with 300,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Pernille Trihøj Nielsen supported with 95,00 kr. · 4 years ago
thomasjensenmoeller supported with 650,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Anne Simonsen supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Henrik Jørgensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Peter Nørgaard supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Held og lykke Line ❤
ralfmarcouxskovgaard supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Lad os alle støtte med hvad vi kan - des må fortjener vores opmærksomhed :)
Mette Hjorth Olsen supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Henrik Feindor supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Mette Martine supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 150,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Michael Olsen supported with 600,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Søren Hugger Møller supported with 200,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Camilla Trihøj Nielsen supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 4 years ago
piawinther supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
Peder Larsen supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
An anonymous person supported with a secret amount · 4 years ago
tykfyr <3
Ditte Bergstrøm supported with 150,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Yeahhh. Slurp, slurp
An anonymous person supported with 700,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Yay, glæder med at smage på varerne
KatrineBrems supported with 300,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Katrine Lester supported with 150,00 kr. · 4 years ago
michaelloegtholt supported with 150,00 kr. · 4 years ago
signeulletvedvinther supported with 100,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Anders Hallundbæk supported with 250,00 kr. · 4 years ago
Rock on Line!
Mulepose med logo
Donation from 95,00 Støt FALK Bornholm ved at købe en mulepose med FALK-logo.
Honningsyp, 35 cl.
Donation from 125,00 En flaske klassisk, bornholmsk honningsyp, 35 cl. Normalpris 149 kr. Forventet leveringstid i marts 2021.
Kaffesyp, 35 cl
Donation from 200,00 En flaske kaffesyp, 35 cl. Normalpris 239 kr. Forventet leveringstid i marts 2021.
Chili-kakaosyp, 35 cl
Donation from 200,00 En flaske chili-kakao-syp, 35 cl. Normalpris 239 kr. Forventet leveringstid i marts 2021.
Kryddersnaps, 35 cl.
Donation from 200,00 En flaske kryddersnaps, 35 cl. Normalpris 239 kr. Forventet leveringstid i marts 2021.
Sampak på 3 flasker
Donation from 600,00 En sampak, der indeholder en flaske espressosyp, 35 cl, en flaske chili-kakao-syp, 35 cl, og en kryddersnaps, 35 cl. Normalpris 717 kr. Forventet leveringstid i marts 2021.
Den lille virksomhedspakke til påskefrokosten
Donation from 1.850,00 Den lille virksomhedspakke til påskefrokosten. Leveres i marts 2021. Pakken består af: - 4 flasker honningsyp á 35 cl. - 6 flasker syp/ snapse á 35 cl. Normalpris 2030 kr.
Donation from 2.000,00 Folkemødekassen leveres ifm. Folkemødet efter aftale eller hentes i Allinge. Kassen består af: - 2 flasker honningsyp à 35 cl. - 8 flasker syp/ snapse à 35 cl. Normalpris 2210 kr.
Den store virksomhedspakke til påskefrokosten
Donation from 2.990,00 Den store virksomhedspakke til påskefrokosten. Leveres i marts 2021. Pakken består af: - 6 flasker honningsyp á 35 cl. - 10 flasker syp/ snapse á 35 cl. Normalpris 3284 kr.
En smageaften på Bornholm
Donation from 4.500,00 En smageaften for max 6 personer på Bornholm. Der smages bredt fra sortimentet, og der bydes på lokale, bornholmske snacks. Muligt fra april 2020. Planlægges efter aftale.