Tryk af vinyl og CD: Kristian Bach 'Shunyata'!

30.925,00 kr. 103.08% of 30.000,00 kr.


Kristian Bach @8282060464

medlem siden 31. marts, 2019


Ole Bruun Nielsen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Iben Marcher supported with 275,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Held og lykke med projektet fra Troels og jeg. Vi glæder os til at høre det færdige resultat.
Amalie supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Anette Jørgensen supported with 2.200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Frank Severin Hansen supported with 100,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Hej Kristian, håber du når målet, jeg støtter med yderligere beløb. Kh Frank Bakkehuset, Lyø
Hanne Eriksen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Dorthe Palmvang supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 years ago
David Lauritsen supported with 275,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Adam Dreisler supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Shunyata ki Jai!
pernille egebak supported with 5.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Bare for at få nogen til at tænke, at så mangler der ikke så meget, sø gør vi det også :-)
Daniel Møller supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Molli Robin Marcussen supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Glæder mig til at lytte! <3
Frank Severin Hansen supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Håber du når målet Kristian
Tine Langkilde supported with 5.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Pernille Birch Vestergaard supported with 275,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Henrik Ankerstjerne supported with 300,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Held og lykke med projektet.
Jens Riber supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Irene Tove Hansen supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Hej Kristian, glæder mig til at lytte til musikken :)
Philip Egebak supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 2.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Asger Høyer supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Susie Andersen supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Sofie Larsen supported with 50,00 kr. · 3 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
pernille egebak supported with 5.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Lauritz Koch supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Alf Nielsen supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Nynne Billesbølle Tworek supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Skønt projekt Kristian. Knæk og bræk med det og tak for musikken :-)
Lasse Kristensen supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Tobias Bauneborg Nielsen supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
ALKALÆR HANSN supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Helle Clausen supported with 75,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Bjarne Petersen supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 years ago
kirsten harboe supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Solveig Fries supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Jørgen Preuss supported with 150,00 kr. · 3 years ago
mette steenberg supported with 350,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Nina Villadsen supported with 500,00 kr. · 3 years ago
peter ulrik thomsen supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
marie stauning supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
<3 jeg hepper <3
Naia Sophie Sørensen supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
An anonymous person supported with 1.000,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Christian Sinding supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Elsebeth Flyvholm supported with 200,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Peter Damgaard supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Lotte Snedevig supported with a secret amount · 3 years ago
Mette Korte Martinsen supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago
Morten Themberg supported with 225,00 kr. · 3 years ago