Heldigvis er der mange andre 'derude' der ved en masse om crowdfunding, og dem tillader jeg mig at trække lidt på i mit forsøg på at få crowdfunding forklaret. Her kommer der 5 punkter som
kapipal - et italiensk crowdfunding site - har begået, som egentlig rammer perfekt i forsøget på at opstille 5 vigtige punkter om crowdfunding.
1. Your Friends Are Your Capital
Your social network friends and contacts can help you to raise capital.
2. Your Friends Make Your Dreams Come True
Any of your contacts can make a contribution, no matter how small.
Together they will help in achieving your every wish, project, and dream.
3. Your Capital Depends on the Number of Friends
Many contributions can build big capital.
The more contacts you have, the greater your chances of reaching the amount you need.
4. Your Capital Depends on Trust
Contribution doesn't happen automatically. Even if you contact a large number of people,
you must still gain their trust, especially if you don't know them personally.
5. Your Capital Grows by Word Of Mouth
Your friends can contribute by giving money, but also by spreading the word.
This will help your social network grow, and increase the probability of reaching your goal.
Kilde: http://www.kapipal.com/manifesto
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